Monday, March 06, 2006

Pantless in the back yard...

Saturday was a crazy day. I got the call at 8:30 AM from my co-worker and friend, Robin, that the talk that we had had the afternoon before in a kind of "possible" tone had become a "reality" and she was bringing her 3 year and 18 month old to spend the day with me while she delt with a wacky family situation.

Not that her family is all that different from mine and several other people's. The point is, her father in law is dying and her mother in law has become paranoid that her children are going to take all that she owns and leave her destitute and so last week she filed charges of trespassing and theft to keep them off her property. Robin and her husband have several vehicles and trailers (which thankfully they had the papers for) on the property and so on Saturday they hired a tow truck to do several shuttles to get all of it off. Not really a place for small children so they spent the day with Nana and me.

The three year old had a slight fever, wouldn't eat anything... Even if he said initially he would, wanted to watch movies that he then wouldn't look at but would scream and cry if I turned off and enjoyed whacking my dog on the head, oh, and is still in diapers. The 18 month old ate everything, ran laps around the van outside and babbled incoherently, constantly. They were both angels. Seriously. For kids their age they were very well behaved and showed all the ear marks of productive adults. Nana on the other hand, was really, well, let's just say she was Nanaism at her best that day.

I took the children out to play and told Nana to go to the bathroom while we were outside so she could have a little privacy. Then I asked her to come out and spell me for a few minutes so I could have the same luxury. Nana came out in her sweater, her hat, her coat, her cain, her shoes and socks and (drum roll please...) NO PANTS!!!!! I mean she had on underwear, bright blue as a matter of fact, but no pants. When I mentioned it to her. She insisted she had pants on. I went ahead and ran to the bathroom (with the fence and the position of our yard, no one could see her) and then came back where we argued about it for ten minute.

"Nana where are your pants?"
"I have pants on."
"No, Nana, no pants."
"Then what is holding on my Depends Pad?"
"Your panties. Where are your pants?"
"Well I thought you had to go potty and so I didn't have time to get new ones on."
"You came outside without your pants on!"
"The children won't remember and I'm still decent."
"Would you go put a shirt on over that tank top, you are obscene."
"This from the pantless woman in the back yard."

Later as the children were napping, she looked over at me and smiled.

"Aren't they precious?"
"Yeah, active, but cute."
"When did kids today get so smart?"
"Kid's today?"
"You and your brother were never as smart as these two. Are all kids like this?"
"Yeah, Nana. My brother and I were just stupid. That's why we both have master's degrees and are pursuing PhD's."

Truly, some of the more memorable Nana moments this year. When the kids went home, Nana hugged me and said,

"I know I said I wanted you to get married, but I'm glad you are not. It's nice to have you here all to myself. I can't ever leave you." Which is wonderful, terrifying and sweet all at the same time to hear.

We had the angels for 12 hours. It was a lot of fun. However, I was glad to give them back. Apparently Robin's odd family has nothing on mine. I figure now Robing owes me a day of seniorsitting. I'll send Nana with two pairs of pants.

1 comment:

Neurotic Illini Fan said...

I came over to read after you commented on my post about my Granny.

I love your Nana stories! She sounds like a real kick, much like my Granny though I don't think Granny has appeared pantless. . . yet.

Thanks for sharing your Nana stories.