Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Standing Corrected and Standing Tall

As usual I am humbled by my friend, Bea, and her insightful post. Check it out. She makes a good point about "Soul Mates." Based on her definition I do have several of those. They are truly great friends that endure beyond age, geography and anything and everything I can think of. They are the reason I make it though the day, actually. Trying to name them, explain them would be pointless, but humbled and corrected I acknowledge me error. Soul-Mates do exist, and I guess the dream would be to find one and be able to marry them. I would say though that Bea and I are talking about a type of friendship (which is love) that doesn't have to have anything to do with romantic love. So while I stand corrected, in terms of what most people refer to when they speak of soul-mates I still don't believe.

Now for something completely different.

This has happened before, and I may have mentioned it, but it is always so funny when it happens. In case anyone missed this fact, I am tall. Six feet, three and one half inches tall. I have been over six feet since I was twelve.

People seem to feel it is important to make sure that I know I am tall. They walk up and tell me all the time, just in case I had forgotten. Teenagers are notorious for this, but I have seen the best dressed and most sophisticated of adults point it out to me just as often as the most dense and inarticulate on earth with about the same amount finesse. There are several different answers I reply with, depending on their attitude, demeanor and my mood.

Wow, you're tall!
Shhh. It's a secret.
Oh my. You are one tall lady!
You know, no one has ever told me that before. Do you really think so?
You are really tall!
Oh my God, when did this happen? I was short when I left home this morning!
(That one is for special occasions. One time I scared a 10 year old so badly with my dramatics...You have to scream and sound horrified to carry the line off... He wet his pants. I now have an age limit on that response, only 16 and older.)

Then there is life now with Nana and the other statement/question that is second only to the you're tall comment.

How tall are you?

Sometimes I answer,

Four Eleven.

Just to watch them scratch their head.

This question really ticks Nana off. She put up with it for about a year. Quietly. Now, Nana gets right in their face and says

How much do you weigh?

You go Nana. Get 'em!


Dreaming again said...

Ya know, I knew the first time I read your blog, I liked you! I was laughing so hard over that one.

While I'm short ...I just thought that was sooo funny!

My eyes are an unusual blue ... I get "do you know your eyes are blue?"

Um ... well ..gee ... I thought they were peach colored!

Where can I buy that brand of contacts?



Neurotic Illini Fan said...

Do you also get the "Did you play basketball in school?" quetion, or do they reserve that for tall men?

Here's the one I hate (not being tall, and having ordinary eyes). "You'd be so pretty if you lost weight." Yeah, and you'd be smart if you had a brain. Thanks. An yes, honest to goodness, I have had adult people say this to me, both family and acquaintances.