Thursday, December 06, 2007

Here we go...

Mom is on her way. She'll be here in the morning.

Honestly, I am excited. I'm looking forward to seeing her and can't wait to hug her.

Then there is also the part of me that is waiting with baited breath to see what will happen. How will it go. And most importantly...

What will she do.

Will she go through my personal things and meddle, say something horrific that I have to live with, hurt me, hurt Nana (not in the physical sense, I don't worry as much about that...) borrow more money.

How can one person evoke such conflicting reactions? What does it say about me that I can both adore and abhor someone at the same time.

For the most part Mom's visits go pretty well. Or they have as of late, it's usually the coda that makes them "memorable."

We'll have to see how it goes.

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

Sandy, you'll be in my prayers.

We've had a couple of these discussions over the years we've been reading each other's blogs.

For me it's my father, for you, your mother.

My father's latest was to send an anniversary card with a $20 bill and a note "have a nice dinner on me" ...for my sister's 20th ... he sent $120 ... Yeah, I get it dad, you like to rub my poverty in my face and you think I deserve it.

Nice dinner? Where .. Mc D's?

I was so tempted to send it back to him ...but I ignored it and we went to lunch as well as dinner. Decided to let God deal with him.

Like you said's the 'coda' that's the problem.

I will be praying, like I said. You've come to so many realizations in the last couple of years of who you are, and how you deal with things. Like you said to me in the note a week ago ... we are warriors for the King's amazing what we can handle these days ....