Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Puppies, Pit Bulls and Cocker Spaniels

Yesterday I went to the meeting that was my punishment for having an opinion contrary to the flow of traffic at work. That's another blog. This one is about the puppies that were in the room next to mine for the veterinary class.

Oh they were so cute! One was an eight week old, glossy black cocker spaniel. So beautiful and sweet. The other was a seven week old pit bull. His name was Romeo. Absolutely adorable. There in lies the problem.

I abhor pit bulls. As an EMT I have seen people mauled by these things. They are dangerous and vicious. A friend of mine, a police officer, was terribly injured by one when it jumped through a screen and attacked him, and that was the dogs second offense. These things are a menace.

Then there is the part of me that has trained dogs and thinks that it is a matter of socialization and that people that get pitts tend to emphasize their bad qualities making them dangerous dogs. If trained correctly maybe they stay as sweet as this puppy licking my ear. I looked at this sweet puppy and I could see how someone could let something that dangerous into their house, because they are cute and sweet as puppies. I wonder if because it is being so well socialized in this class if this puppy will be friendly? Even if it wasn't would I have trouble recognizing that because I held it as a puppy?

For a split second I wondered if serial killers are cute as children (yes, stupid question, I know) and further if they might not have been serial killers with different parents/raising.

Then I put the puppy down and went to play with the Cocker Spaniel again before I went back to my boring meeting.

I will never own a Pit Bull.

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