Sunday, September 28, 2008


It never ceases to amaze me how people act in regards to politics and philosophy.

For the past three weeks I have been working on an in depth unit with my students on To Kill a Mockingbird and Raisin in the Sun. We have discussed race relations and prejudice, racism, sexism and general ignorance. In all of these conversations there have been two constants, we have to talk to each other and we have to stop making differences a personal affront...

Here's the thing, it is not a matter of intelligence or personal worth which political philosophy you favor. Frankly, most people really don't even favor one political philosophy over the other, they have a set of preferences which maybe hit more on one side than the other, but it is rare to see a complete line up on wither side. The reality is, most people are good people, who want the best for the country and specifically their children and loved ones (not to mention themselves) and simply differ on how to go about that...

Even if you disagree with Bush policies (and statistically a large population of Americans do right now)that's fine, we have elections every four years and he can only serve two terms total no matter what so that if we disagree we can replace him hopefully with someone we agree with more... But do you really believe that he knows or believes that what he is doing is wrong? Does it make sense that it is the President's secret intention to destroy his own county? Is he really a bad man?

Is Obama or McCain a bad person? They are human to be sure and clearly have made mistakes in their lives as well as some very significant successes. Why does it have to be personal? If I get a second opinion from a doctor and it is different than the first, so I call into questions the morals and values of the doctor I don't agree with? They are both trying to help me, right? Shouldn't that speak well of both of them. Should the two doctors call into question the morals and ethics of the other because they disagree... Education, training, experience may be a factor and can be discussed, but why does it need to be personal if both doctors want the best for the patients health.

If two people are interviewing for a job, the question becomes who is the best person for the job... Not, why shouldn't the other guy have it.

Also, I need to note, I am not interested in personal political statements in my comment section. Really, not what this blog is for. Thanks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We've been working on the unit for six weeks...

Friday was the test...

Young lady walked right up to me.

"So, do I have to take the test today?"

"Why wouldn't you take it today?"

"I was absent yesterday."

"Well that was unfortunate."

"I missed the review."

"But not the six weeks of the unit before hand..."

"So I have to take the test today?"

"Yeah, go figure."

Then same child's mother decided she wants to start popping in, unannounced to observe me, because, "I like to keep teachers on their toes..."

And the woman took notes!

But, on the better note, I get to go to ENGLAND for two weeks this summer!

Yay me!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Yeah, yeah yeah.

I'm a horrible person.

So the styes cleared up. I chopped off my hair (and it's cute). Nana should be back soon. I'm moving to the town I teach in. Mom is moving to the same apartment complex. I'm taking grad classes. To be an administrator, which I doubt I really want to be, but... I think I've reached the angry point in therapy. I am angry with everyone sometimes... but I also am handling it now.

My diet and exercise are completely out of control, but I'm trying to get back on track. I still need to get the consult on Lap Band surgery. I also need to talk to a doctor about the cyst I have on one of my ovaries... they said it was small only 3 cm. I pointed out that ovaries are only 3 cms... so it's like having an extra one in there. I still get out of breath and sweat like a pig...

I'm trying to be proactive about meeting people and developing a social life. Turns out men/boys are oblivious and dense as door nails. I have tickets to Wicked, but he has to ask me out on a date first... I'm giving up on the dream.

Two amazing friends who I thought I had lost both looked me up this past month. Wow! One informs my past and the other my future.

Oh and again, everyone is pregnant or giving birth. So I am still a fertility goddess in the sadly single sense of the word.

Sorry I took a bit of a break.

I'll try to be more proactive.