Thursday, February 07, 2008

Not a date, but...

So I got tickets to go see the ballet of Romeo and Juliet. Good tickets in the balcony... Nana was gonna go with two of my guy friends and I. But she didn't want to go. So I asked another of the boys to go... But he had to bow out.

So I asked my former crush.

He's going with us!

This is not a date, but... he could totally see that I am a fun Friday night companion... In case he ever wanted to ask, not that I am expecting him to... Just to know it's out there, you know?


Fingers crossed....!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Better Moods...

To say there were days that I have been in better mood, would be an understatement. Most likely it's hormonal, but I imagine there is more too it than that. Tired is a big part of it for sure. Maybe weary would be a better word.


Doesn't that sound romantic?

A theroy was put to me today that I need to go "do nothing somewhere else" for a few days. Specifically a monestary was reccomended. So now I have to consider that.

Then there is PhD. I don't really think I want it that bad. I'm having trouble rallying to re-apply. Maybe I don't want this enough. Also, there is the issue of administration... should I do that instead. How simple would it be to be the designated bad guy...

Last night I dreamed someone held me. No face, and NOTHING ELSE, just held me. Waking up to nothing was devistating...

Maybe the monistary is a good idea.