Saturday, February 02, 2008

Better Moods...

To say there were days that I have been in better mood, would be an understatement. Most likely it's hormonal, but I imagine there is more too it than that. Tired is a big part of it for sure. Maybe weary would be a better word.


Doesn't that sound romantic?

A theroy was put to me today that I need to go "do nothing somewhere else" for a few days. Specifically a monestary was reccomended. So now I have to consider that.

Then there is PhD. I don't really think I want it that bad. I'm having trouble rallying to re-apply. Maybe I don't want this enough. Also, there is the issue of administration... should I do that instead. How simple would it be to be the designated bad guy...

Last night I dreamed someone held me. No face, and NOTHING ELSE, just held me. Waking up to nothing was devistating...

Maybe the monistary is a good idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you joined a monastery I imagine it would be like Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act.