Monday, April 17, 2006

Hodge Podge on a Monday morning...

Sleep is a precious commodity in my life. I really am one of those people who biologically needs the full eight hours. I average about 6 a night during the week. I've been trying lately to get more, but... Then on the weekends I get closer to 8 or nine a night plus a nap or two. Only one problem. Sunday afternoon, with nap, I tend to reach saturation point and then can't get to sleep on Sunday night until late and even then it ends up being kind of fitful. So Monday's I am always tired. How messed up is that?

Nana's eye is healing very well and she looks great. A lot of people at church didn't even really notice. Nana is so excited about the results that she is already talking about having her hip replaced ASAP at the same hospital. This is a procedure we have been trying to get her to agree to for five years. In the car on the way home from church, yesterday, she looks at me and says, "Do you think my eye has done so well and been healing so well because people were praying for me?" I smiled and said I was very sure that had something to do with it. She turned, settled back into her seat and then announced, "Well then, they better pray for me when I get my hip replaced, damnit!" Okay, Nana. I'll let them know.

Friendships are funny things. They go through seasons. This has really been brought home to me this past week. One friend, I got to spend a day with about a week ago on my way home from my vacation. I hadn't seen her in almost six years. Yet, as we sat, in her living room, surrounded by her children and husband, whom I had never met before, it was as though there had been no gap and we were girls again, laughing and giggling and sharing. Another good friend, a woman like a mother to me, really, and I spoke on the phone last night for over two hours. We talk like that, in spurts, nothing for months and then hours and it always seems right. Then a friend I have here, locally, gets antsy if we don't touch base every few days. While I'd be okay with once every few weeks, I find I do look forward to hearing from her so regularly. Also the way our friendships change over time, so often the way that we became friends influences what our friendship remains based on and other times, the basis changes yearly, even monthly. Friendships are funny things, and there is nothing sweeter.

My class begins Romeo and Juliet today. This time around it's a bit odd as I just directed a production of Romeo and Juliet that was performed for these students (and in some cases, by these students). While I have always liked the play, the drama of it, the language, I take issue with so many people thinking of it as romantic. It is not romantic! Romeo and Juliet is about a boy (17) who declares him self in love with one girl (Rosaline), but bemoans the fact that she will not sleep with him (Romeo) or return his affection and takes a bet to go to a party of a rival family's house to prove he cannot be deterred from loving her and sees a new girl (13) and in an instant now falls in love with her. Said girl (Juliet) is being promised to a man of royal connections (Paris) who is also much older than she is (25-35) and so she sees this opportunity to be with someone her own age and maybe get out from underneath her parent's oppressive thumbs and so she takes it. Then as we all know things get complicated. This story is not romantic, it is simply sad, which may be why Shakespeare wrote it as a tragedy. It's almost kind of sad for me when I teach it to kids and they begin to see the real story underneath and they too learn how unromantic this whole thing is.

I have to finish my taxes today(!). Turbotax is a wonderful tool and I'm simple enough in my finances that it is over pretty quickly and I usually get something back, so I wonder why I drag my feet on getting it done. Oh well.

Happy Monday!

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