Monday, May 15, 2006

What was he thinking? Teacher Rant!

Okay. I am better today. Also, God and I hashed it out and I have a much better perspective. Frankly, I now have proof, for myself, that I am not so hell-bent on marriage that anything will do. That's an important thing to know. Anyway, sorry about the novel length post.

On to end of year craziness. I may have my moments, but this teacher takes the cake. Essays, something I consider very important, yet really hate teaching, especially are of interest to me. So when I saw this article I nearly died, no pun intended.

Check it out. Personally if I didn't fire the guy I'd have had him CAT scanned for a brain mass. This went beyond your basic lapse in judgment.

This reminds me of when I was in high school and someone came up with a "Ghetto Math Test" as a joke. It was word problems involving drug deals, prostitution, gun running and gang hits. It was very funny. Then a teacher at one of the local schools used it as his actual final. Let's just say something broke loose.

Now as a teacher myself, while I can see the inherent humor in some of these kinds of documents or assignments when they float through my inbox (we teachers do pass them to each other with a certain glee, dreaming about the chaos they would cause in real life...) it would never occur to me to use them. Add to that incidents in the recent past where students write journal entries planning horrific deaths for their teachers (couldn't find that article from this past fall, but it made my blood run cold) and why would someone with any amount of intelligence, education or professionalism do something like that?

And I thought I got loopy at the end of a school year.

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

I wanted to comment on your post below ... as well as this one. But it's midnight ... and I spent the evening with my mom and the ambulance crew ...nothing serious ... thank God ... they didn't have to take her to the hospital.

But for now, I will tell you that you're in my prayers.