Friday, September 08, 2006

Killer puppets from outer space...

I hate being sick. Yesterday I stayed home I felt so awful and I didn't work out with my trainer Wednesday or Thursday. I don't feel great today either, but I'm at school, and I will work out if it kills me. I'll try to make up for lost time this weekend as well. Did I mention I hate being sick?

So while I was in bed yesterday I had the strangest dream involving a squeaking puppet bothering me and following me everywhere. I opened my eyes and realized I could still hear the puppet. I looked around for what was making the squeaking noise.

Then I realized it was me. Breathing. Even after I stopped the physical act of breathing air was still escaping my lungs and in rhythm with my pulse (I imagine, but who knows) was making little squeaking noises from both my mouth and nose. It was rather odd.

My kids are testing today. It's very quiet in here. I'm praying the squeaking thing doesn't happen again here. Can you imagine?


methatiam said...

Stop breathing.

Simple, no?

I would be interested in your opinion on this:

Dreaming again said...

Awwwww I'll be praying for you. I'll have Benjamin pray for you too. He's good about that!

he's got some extra time on his ... um ..hands right now, he can use it to pray for you ;)