Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am Cyclops

Today is twin day for Homecoming Week. Robin (my team teacher) and I both dressed as Mountain Medics. We have on jeans, a red long sleeve shirt, my green camp scrub tops, hiking boots, stethoscopes and Robin braided our hair in two french braids down either side of our head. We are adorable if I do say so myself.


Again the battle is raging in my third period. They refuse to adhere to civilized, polite and respectful behavior. Today as I was answering questions about a quiz they were taking, I noticed that the majority of the class had begun chattering as I answered the question. So I declared the whole class in violation of the honor code and failed all of them on the quiz. You could have heard a pin drop. Then I had a kid say to me, "That's not fair."

God have mercy on that child's soul. I explained what fair was to him and asked him if he really wanted me to apply that standard in the class.

"No ma'am."

So I did it. They all failed the piddly little five point quiz. It was easy to grade at least. I talked to the kids that I am sure were most likely not talking privately after class. They understand and I have them set up so they can fix it quickly, quietly and simply. They actually understand and told me not to worry about it. I appreciate that, but today I feel like a huge one eyes cyclops raging through the school, for all that I was dressed today as a rustic healer.

Why can't these kids get this concept!

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