Monday, October 02, 2006

It's Monday!

So, the weekend is over and the drama with mama is finished and I for one am thankful and slightly exhausted which is the perfect place to be when I am about to (drum role please...) take the GRE!

That's right the Greatfully Ridden Elephant, no, the Giving Relaxation Examination, no, the... actually I have no idea what it stands for. Don't even care really. This is the test you have to take before going to Grad or PhD school. It's like a higher level, harder SAT or ACT. I took it before going into grad school so long ago, but the score is only good five years, so here I go again.

The test is on Wednesday morning in Downtown Atlanta! So, I have decided to stay at a hotel five minutes from the testing center and just walk over in the morning rather than make myself crazy with traffic, parking and directions right before I take the test. I'm actually looking forward to the idea of a little decadence before the test. Long Bubble bath (where I don't have to clean the tub, and maybe I might actually fit in the tub...) cable movie with no Nana babble or close captioning (that covers up the picture sometimes!) and breakfast delivered to me. I'd actually even get to sleep in about thirty minutes and the short brisk walk before the test would do me good... better than an hour in traffic anyway.

So there is that to look forward to. Also I am starting the countdown to my trip to Frisco for vacation. I will be visiting with my dear high school journalism teacher, second mom and dear friend. I may also get to dine with my senior English teacher, my template so to speak, and my math/physics teacher. That man is a real card. Plus the coastal, bay air and the views... Yep, counting down!

Happy Monday!

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