Friday, October 06, 2006

A Moment of Silence

Fat Doctor posted today to inform us of the passing of another treasured blogger, Glorified Midwife. FD has not as of yet disclosed the details, if she even knows, but I consider Fat Doctor very reliable so I have no doubt as to the passing.

This brings lots of different questions, ideas and emotions to the surface. My initial reaction is, "but she was so young, younger than me even!" followed quickly by "and she was doing so much good in the world, she'd just gotten a kitten, finished medical school, she had things to say, people to heal, blogs to write, books to read. She wasn't finished yet!"

And then there is a part of me that envies her. I am very confidant that she has now seen God in the flesh. She is warm, and happy and at peace.

So this is a moment of silence for our dear Glorified Midwife. We remember her honesty, her humor, her desire to help others, her joy and her vigor in life. She will be missed and not forgotten. I always thought she was someone I would be friends with if I met personally, so I look forward to actually seeing her in person someday. I thank and praise God that this is the case.

This moment of silence is also for her family, friends and the lives she touched. May God keep them, bless them and comfort their hearts in this time of loss.

Rest Peacefully, Glorified Midwife.

1 comment:

doctor T said...

Her wit and kindness will be missed by a lot of bloggers.