Friday, February 09, 2007


Now I have been challenged, as in, three people have complained about my lack of blogging, and I am trying to really open myself up on some issues, so I am recommitting myself to blogging. My goal is to blog three times a week. Not my previously usual five to seven, but I believe that three may be do-able. If we are approaching the end of the week and you have only seen one, you have my permission to send me sarcastic and snotty e-mail messages reminding me of my commitment, or lack there of…

To say that this past month (January, I mean) has been hectic, stressful, wonderful, excruciating, wouldn’t cover all the possibilities, and seeing as I don’t only speak in adjectives you’ll just have to take my word for it.

The first big issue/leap is that I have begun therapy. No, this does not mean that the men in white coats finally caught me with their great big butterfly net, I decided to do this on my own, for me, because I am worth it. Of course I figured I could just go in for a couple months get a quick “mind tune-up” on be back on my merry way by Easter. Yeah, OK, any more bright ideas, Sandy?

The therapist was very nice, very polite and very to the point. It doesn’t work that way. Several metaphors come to mind, and were used, but my favorite it the splinter. If you have a particularly big, nasty, painful splinter there comes a point of decision. Pulling it out will be excruciating, the most painful thing to do, more painful than just leaving it there, where it may only hurt if you bother it and occasionally when it becomes infected. However, if you pull it out, once allowed to heal, it will never hurt again. So, being a medic, I have opted to go for the pulling route. This is the point when the therapist then warns me, “You need to know, if we dig all this stuff up, it may get worse before it gets better.” OK. Let the pain begin!

Then there is my love life. Oh wait, that’s all in my head. Or more correctly, I was worried someone who I couldn’t date had feelings for me, but he doesn’t, which is good, because I can’t date him, for lots of good reasons, only now I feel a little let down to find out that he was never really interested to begin with… Good thing I am already in therapy.

Meanwhile I have officially submitted my online application for my PhD, meaning I am now officially in the process of seeking those three stupid letters which also means I have to get off my butt and correct, type and format three writing samples highlighting my academic writing ability. This is my least favorite kind of writing and now I really have to do it.

Not to mention they took away my team teacher… who, by the way, is now pregnant with her fourth child (and she is two years younger than I am!) while her youngest is only five months, making her pregnant twice in the same school year(!)… and so I feel like my right arm has been cut off and I’ve been cut off from my best friend. Oh, wait, that’s right, there are always my boys to talk too… Yeah, the drama of camp is in full gear with intrigue, espionage, betrayal and general macho stupidity all running amok over my phone and internet!

So, as you can see, we really are all full up of crazy here. Even Nana.

Oh, Nana! Poor Nana! We have had to label every cabinet in the house. Every appliance has a set of typed directions taped to it. Honestly I think her visit with my mom seriously undermined her confidence in herself. It’s getting better, but she still does odd things and then gets frustrated. Putting her bra on backwards was one of the funniest moments I’ve had in weeks, but she was understandably upset. Also, Lindsey lets her go to the Young Professionals Sunday School Class (My class) when I am not there and Lindsey takes Nana to church, but if I am in church I want Nana to go to her own class. So then she whines about the old fuddy duddies and how all they talk about is their painful hips! Also, she keeps insisting on wrapping the dogs in blankets to keep them warm. They are shelties! With huge thick fur coats! Piper puts up with it, but Roo is really not interested in being covered and keeps hiding from Nana… It’s kind of cute, but it frustrates Nana.

Lastly the workouts are going well. I work with my trainer four days a week now and we have even added running to the whole process. My waist is changing, but not very fast and not like I’d like, though everything else is going great. It’s hard not to consider some chemical options and I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about that yet… But either way, I am making progress for all that I am tired all the time and ache perpetually.

So, that’s all for this week, but next week, three blogs by Friday at 5:00PM.

I promise!

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