Sunday, September 09, 2007


In order to wait for something you have to believe that something is coming.

So, I'm not waiting.

I'm just standing here.


It's a funny thing the cycles of emotion we go through. Some days I really am thrilled, fullfilled, satisfied and then other days I'm not.

Which day is which has no bearing on reality or events, simply how I feel.

I also think if you've been hoping for milk your whole life and in the end all you get is Skim, you may enjoy it, it may be the best, as far as you've tased, but you still got gyped on the deal. Waiting for the Skim milk you have to bolt down because your time is almost up. After watching so many others throw away the whole milk they could have had their whole lives to enjoy...

It's late, I'm most likely hormonal, and it has not been a good weekend, really.

Not that anything happened, particualarly, just that for whatever reason this weekend I am just standing, not waiting, and I have never liked Skim milk.

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