Saturday, November 10, 2007

One Down

A long time ago, when I was a girl, in college, some of the girls and I decided to have a girls night. The guys in our lives (well the other girls' lives, there were no guys for me then either) decided two could play at that game and had a guys night. US girls watched movies, giggled, hung out, all good. The boys played video games and plotted to roll our cars.

The showed up and rolled our cars, put Vaseline under the door handles, stuck oreos to the windows and put flowers on the hoods. The night guard caught them and chased them into the next housing area. One poor guy was running so fast he didn't realize he was over a pool until he had fallen in it.

The boys as a group refused to admit they had anything to do with what happened. However, as individuals, alone with their girlfriends, they went down squealing like stuck hogs. So we compiled a list of culprits.

Then several of the girls and I created a four woman revenge squad. We slowly and systematically hit the car (and bike in one case) of the gentleman who had rolled us. The boys began to live in fear. We labeled each vehicle "X Down and X to go."

As of this evening, there is one mouse down, and at least one more to go... Though I have to say I got more satisfaction out of wrapping toilet paper around some poor guys car then killing a mouse.

1 comment:

Prospero said...

Ok. You know I totally love your antics and hijinks, but I love them infinitely more now that I've read this. The systematic angle is priceless!