Monday, March 17, 2008

On a different and just as upsetting note...


I get it.

I won't buy lottery tickets this week.

Money down the toilet.

This is a bit of a complicated and odd story, but, it is what it is.

When I went to Wilderness EMT training back in October I met a really sweet kid, all of 19 years old from a small town in the North West US. There was something about this guy. It felt like he belonged with "us" as in my camp crew... It was a feeling I just could not shake. So I made some calls, called in a favor or two and offered him a position as my assistant this summer (for two or three weeks). I got his plane ticket covered, got him set up for salary (a good one for a first year at only three weeks I might add) and some other perks. It was a good thing.

I asked people to pray about it for me. There was just something about this situation, a feeling, an intuition... he belonged here for the summer. God had a plan and I was so excited to see what it was... It was a hope and excitement I held onto whenever things were tough in these pre-camp days.

We corresponded a bit, planning, setting up and he was pumped and seemed committed. I got the administration staff pumped... It was clicking.

Today he e-mailed that he is not coming.

In the grand scheme of things it is not the end of the world. I even have another assistant, great guy I've worked with before at camp, for the time when this new guy wasn't going to be there, and that's a good thing, but...

On top of everything else I feel a bit let down tonight. There is still this feeling in my heart that there was a purpose there, that it was something important. I've had that feeling before, and more often than not I was right.

Apparently this was less often than not...

I wish him the best of luck, and May God Bless Him, whatever God's plan is for him.


Dreaming again said...

checking in on you my blog friend.

Beth said...

Just wanted to check in with you and see how things are going. I thought of you often during the days leading up to Nana's move and prayed too. Hope that both of you are adjusting.