Monday, February 13, 2006

Leaving the Pity Party

Sometime ago I had a conversation with a friend on IM that amounted to the fact that everyone I know who lived with me or was planning to live with me gets married within 18 months of that arrangement, most within one year. (There has only been one exception to this in the past 11 instances, and that friend came back and tried again and is now happily married.) She hypothesized that God was trying to bless me but I kept moving around and he would miss and hit those close to me instead. I asked her if she was saying God throws like a girl.

Some days it is easy to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Everybody can find a reason to feel sorry for themselves if they want to. Yesterday I had about decided it was a good day to wallow in self pity. The icing was a conversation I had with Nana.

"Well hello there Mary Sunshine" She says to me.

"Nana, I'm not Mary Sunshine, that's what you call Lindsey (the young woman who helps me with Nana sometimes)"

"That's right. You're Mary Grumpy." (Writing cannot express the smug grin on her face when she said this.)

"Thanks, Nana, I love you too."

Later that day someone asked me how I was getting on with Nana and the other things I had going on in my life. Because it is the socially appropriate thing to do, I said "fine." The sweet old lady pressed further and so I started explaining how good things were and even went on as to why and by the time I realized what I was saying I also realized how true everything I was saying was. I am so very blessed and I have so much to be thankful for. I thanked the delightful woman for asking after my troubles and such and she gave me a wise smile and winked. Ten bucks says she knew I was throwing a pity party and threw me the bone to help me bail myself out. Worse, I wonder if Nana called he and this is an old woman conspiracy. Either way I am thankful.

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