Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Dreaming of Coffee

So the organic experience require that I don't drink coffee, tea or consume chocolate. No caffeine. Okay, eleven days, no big, I can deal.

Except that the coffee machine in the teacher's lounge is starting to call my name and I hear it everywhere I go.

I am not making this up.

Then this afternoon some other teachers were having a chocolate chip cookie and they offered some to me and when I said no, the cookie said I was being ridiculous for not having a bite.

I am still not making this up.

Then when I got home, Nana told me that prince charming was waiting in the living room to take me away to his castle where I would have my own personal masseur and my students would all do their homework each night and write letters to the principal as to how wonderful I am.

Then I woke up. The sad part is all I can think about is how I wish I had drank a cup of that coffee.

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