Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Nana strikes again

I am so not a morning person. This is a well documented (family, friend and even professionally) fact. Now, when I say I am not a morning person, that means for the first 30 minutes to an hour after I wake from a deep sleep. The longer/deeper the sleep the longer the grouch period afterward. The only person I know who cannot seem to understand this idiosyncrasy of my personality is unfortunately the only person I live with, Nana.

Every morning as I try not to poke my eye out with my mascara brush she sticks her head in the bathroom, "do you want a cup of coffee?" Then she holds out the cup of coffee she has made to me. Now in the two years we have been together I have never drunk my coffee in the bathroom while trying to poke my eye out with mascara. Every morning she offers anyway. I try not to snap, some mornings more successfully than others.

Then I'll be looking for something (keys, phone, purse, shoes, etc.) and she asks over and over what it is, but because I am moving she can't hear me when I answer. This gets old fast as a routine. Clearly she wants to help, but all it does is slow me down.

Lastly she always manages to stand right in front of whatever it is I need to get to and her reflexes and ability to discern where I am heading are not really all that good. So I end up trying to get by and end up catching her from falling over in my rush instead.

The thing is, she means well and later in the day all this stuff is endearing and I try so hard to be loving and thoughtful and she hugs on me and says how glad she is she lives with me and in the morning I am such an ogre.

This morning I was running late. Those are the really special interactions. I'm racing around trying to get caught up and she's following me around asking how she can help. I tell her I've got it so she starts making suggestions, "Can I make you an egg?" "Can I pour you a milk?" "Do you have your lunch?" "Are you wearing shoes?" "Did you remember to put on a slip?" Then we got to my favorite, "Are you sure you want to wear that?" This from the woman who is wearing a pale pink sweater over a turtleneck over pajamas with long johns, orange sweat pants and food all over it. Not to mention pantless in the back yard! (see earlier post). So again, like too often I snapped.

I don't say much, and nothing to the effect that she shouldn't be here, just "Nana I've got it, leave me alone!" It's just she gets this hang dog look on her face and you would think I just killed her dog. Then she nods and says, "I know, mornings are not your best time." I swear I could just ..... Oh!

So now I feel like a jerk and I'm sure Nana will get the ice cream that she shouldn't really have tonight as a surprise. Oh well.

1 comment:

Neurotic Illini Fan said...

I am also not a morning person so I feel your pain. Hubs is also not a morning person. However, God has a sense of humor and blessed us with a son who loves to get up early and is just dying to get the day started. Fortunately, Son loves cartoons so he watches Disney Channel while I struggle to get myself going. I'm thinking you'll need a different strategy for Nana though. . .