Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why are we talking about this?

Today one of my dearest friends dropped in for a visit. We had ten glorious hours after she attended another friend's wedding and before she had to catch her plane home. We used to be able to visit each other more often, and we are making a real effort to take a trip together to London that we have been planning for over a year, but our visits get shorter and farther between each year. I guess that's growing up. She is an optometrist (and a really good one!) in Miami. (Anyone live there? I can so refer you, she rocks!)

Anyway, after taking Nana with us to lunch at a really cool German restaurant, (Friend is actually from Poland, so a real treat for her too), she and I went off to get pedicures. We sat, our feet being so lovingly tended and talked about boys, work, boys, roommates, boys, gossiped about mutal friends (who was pregnant, who was engaged, who was going back to school, who had changed since we knew them...) and who would be in our weddings.

Now understand neither of us is engaged, neither is even seriously dating anyone. There aren't even any men to realistically consider. Yet we were mapping out preferences, bridal courts and venues. The really sweet ladies at the nail place (I've been going there for three years, the last two with Nana... If you live near Atlanta I can so refer them, they rock too!) got very confused. One asked me quietly, when my friend and I were being moved to drying stations, if I was getting married. She looked very confused when I said no.

I imagine the wedding my friend had just been to, and our current crushes (girls can dream, right) were the reason, but it was strange all the same.

The most significant conclusion that we both reached was that weddings are way too complicated and people get way too bent out of joint with who is and isn't in the bridal party, wedding party and part of the wedding. Which is funny when you juxtapose that against how many people get irritated once they are in any of those groups.

Nothing profound to add, past that, except to say I had a great time, my feet look and feel great and I miss my friend, who only left an hour ago, already.

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