Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tick Head!

So I'm standing outside, monitoring cars and I ran my hand through my short, newly chopped hair and I felt something. I squeezed with my fingers and it came out. Then I felt it move. I tried to pull it out of my hair completely, but when I got my fingers through it was gone.

I ran for the school nurse.

"Yep, there's a hole there. The good news is the head is out."

Then she checked my scalp to make sure it was the only one and/or that it hadn't replanted somewhere. We didn't find anything. Later I found the tick in my hair (because now I was compulsively running my fingers through it) and beat it to a pulp on my desk.

This morning the nurse again checked my scalp for a "bulls eye" or sign of infection. I'm clean.

I hate ticks.

I'm not even at camp yet.

What is up with that!?!


Dreaming again said...

I hope that you stay tick free at camp.

May we both have as tic/tick free of a summer as we can get ;)

(and I wonder why my kids make jokes of them? duh)

methatiam said...

So many ill-mannered and impolite jokes came at me so fast with punchlines that probably best left unspoken; I will only say this: “Have a good time at camp”.