Monday, June 19, 2006


Hi, my name is Sandy and I will be your camp medic for the week. That means I will not sleep, eat or bathe all week so that I can be at your beck and call for every sniffle, sneeze and tummy ache that you would not normally even mention to anyone in a five mile radius of your normal life, except that at camp it has become a huge emergency in your mind. No, of course I don't miss the dinner that you won't let me finish or the sleep that you won't let me have. I just want you to be happy, fulfilled and feeling pampered. After all this is BOY SCOUT CAMP!!! Where we train individuals to be self reliant, respectful and useful members of society. Thank-You so much for allowing me to serve you. No, there is nothing wrong with my eyes, they are always bloodshot and that tick/twitch has been there for years.

As funny as that little speech is, it is becoming incredibly tragic. I imagine the time I have stolen to write it is going to cost me dearly at some point in the near future. I still love this job, but some of these people really should be well, shot. Unfortunately I can't use my needles for that.

Still no psychological emergency yet. I'm starting to live in fear....

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

I have great respect for you after my last week as camp medic at church camp!