Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let's get ready to rumble!

Five fights have broken out at school today and it isn't even noon yet and it's only Thursday and they were all UNRELATED!

Yikes! What did these children eat for breakfast!?!?!?

Seriously, I've never gotten the whole fighting thing, especially at school. Boys I don't mind breaking up so much, they tend to be pretty peaceful about it. As long as everyone got in one swing for their "street cred" they are amicable about being broken up, thankful even. Girls on the other hand... Anyone who thinks they are the weaker sex should watch two teenage girls fight. Lord have mercy. Boys have rules, a code of ethics in fighting. Girls, not so much. They bite, scratch, slap, tear, pull. Talk about blood shed.

There is more drama in our hallways today than a Grey's Anatomy episode (though I am anxiously awaiting that premiere tonight.... McDreamy is too wishy washy for my taste for all that he's cute. I'd take McVet!... or even McSteamy... over him in a heart beat. )

Happy Thursday!


methatiam said...

Sometimes you just need to get the combatant’s attention.

I suggest a large bucket of ice water....


Beata said...

Bring McSteamy back!
Bring McSteamy back!