Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Over it and Through it.

So yesterday I was a bit pouty, and today I am taking the day off, but I'm over my temper tantrum, Thanks.

Last night I talked for an hour with a dear friend. She's over something too. She is at that critical time where she decides what she will accept, not accept and put up with in her life.

There are things we accept from other people. We may not agree with them, or like it, but in the grand scheme of things we simply accept it and don't worry about it.

There are things we put up with. These are things that do bother us and we disagree with and we are honest and up front about that, but we put up with it anyway.

Then there are the things we do not accept. These are defining issues in relationships. When we make these decisions, they should not be taken lightly.

It would be so easy to tell my friend what I think she should do, but these are her decisions. So today all I can offer her is my shoulder, my heart and my prayers, and my faith in her as a good person who is doing the best she can. She will get through it.

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