Sunday, December 24, 2006

Holiday Wishes (or in my case, MERRY CHRISTAMS!)

First of all, yes, I am a bad, bad person, er, blogger. Hopefully Santa doesn't blog, in which case I did not make the naughty list... I'm beginning to think God does blog, though, with all the information I feel like he has been pouring into my head this past week and a half...

On the dream front, there is no big development, just a steady flow of ideas and thoughts and "moments" that I know are from Him in terms of the writing of the play. I am very humbled that He is involved and a bit tired with all the inspiration. It is comforting and exciting to know that God has a plan for this production.

On the holiday front, the traveling time that began in November has almost ended. One more long drive on the 27th and then my life (with Nana and my dogs!) is mine again.

This past month without Nana, and half of it with out the dogs was awful! I am not meant to live alone. No question. Poor Roo apparently bit down on a hard bar of some sort and managed to shatter her two upper pressure molars and so she had to go to the kennel early for the holidays (and of course Piper had to go two... he's a good brother) and she is now recovering quietly there for the holidays after her surgery. I want to know what she was chewing on. Heavens above, she is not a chewer and she would have had to bitten down hard on something to do that. Further she didn't let on to any pain at all... This is a mystery I desperately want solved and yet I worry I cannot.

I got to visit for two days with my dear friend Jasmine and her children. What a delightful group. I brought with me my family tradition of Shrinky Dink ornament making... Oh my! Now I am Aunt Shrinky Dink (which at my height is kinda funny). I was also exhausted and I wasn't even nursing, changing, driving or disciplining these children. Jasmine has my complete and total admiration, esteem, (heck!) worship! She rocks! Her husband isn't half bad either...

Meanwhile the boy scouts are revolting... I mean, they are behaving in a revolt like manner. Most of the staff has the problem of being a legal adult but not really a mental one... I won't go into more details than that for fear if someone reads this I get blamed for a ridiculous situation I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH!!!! But let me say, for the record... STUPID!!!!! Oh, and quit calling me! You never want my opinion when I give it, and you don't take it when you ask for it, so leave me in peace! Obviously a sore spot...

Then there is X-mas here in the Maryland! Oh. I get to watch a four month old and 8 year old twins on X-mas morning. My cup runneth over. Seriously. If you have never watched this holiday through the eyes of little ones, you are so missing out. I don't have my own, so I borrow (with family support and permission, mind you... also I just come and watch, I have to do very little work for the whole thing).

So here is my Christmas wish for all of you, the ones I know personally, the ones I only know inter-net-tedly and the ones who know me and yet we have never spoken. My God bless you and keep you, may God make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may God grant you his peace. May you find in this holiday season a hope and joy that lasts the whole year. May you be close to loved ones, who know they are, and who show you that you are too. May you be safe, warm, fed and clothed. And lastly, may you see the smile of a child and be bathed in that glow... it is the hope of our future.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!


methatiam said...

Please accept my belated Christmas greetings too!

Dreaming again said...

I didn't tag you ...but FD started a MeMe ... about what is your favorite musical list for 2007 ... my list is on my blog ... I'm curious ..what is yours.

I almost tagged you, then realized you have to go back to school this week ...and decided I'd just come over and ask you ...then link to you if you play along ...

Anonymous said...

sandy....are u still out there?