Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday Morning

This weekend one of my best friends and I went to see Josh Groban live in concert for his Awake tour. The concert was wonderful and I had a really good time. It was interesting to me, though to note the difference from the last concert just over two years ago. Two years ago, Josh was 24, on his first big tour and for the most part, it seemed like he was just singing to enjoy himself and we got to watch. This one was more like a performance. He even made a comment about having a fifteen hour bus ride ahead of him, and I imagine that would be a tiring thing. But it really was wonderful. Having really good tickets makes it nice too…

Several of his songs are really touching to me right now, “Don’t Give Up,” “Now or Never” and “In Her Eyes.” All good stuff. His songs from earlier albums, “Vincent,” “You’re Still You,” “When You Say You Love Me,” “Home to Stay” and “My December.” There is something about that man’s voice…

Also I went up to camp for Friday night to at least make an appearance for the great senior staff bonding event. It was good. I also discovered that for the most part, while I am still irritated over that stupid agenda, it was not really intended the way it sounded… Granted he should have thought it out more, but he really doesn’t get it.

Also, while at camp, when my friend and I were sleeping, she knocked over a floor fan and scared the bejesus out of us in the night. However, because I wasn’t alone, it was funny and not traumatic.

I’m learning a lot about that word, trauma, by the way. I really don’t care for it. It’s an annoying word. It is damage caused by something. Trauma is what is keeping me up nights, apparently and trauma is what I have to deal with and get rid of. Dealing with trauma, is a lot like loosing weight. It feels great when it’s gone and with diligence, you can notice when you are loosing it, but it takes time, it’s a pain and requires a lot of work.

So now my friend has gone home, the concert is over, the camp event is over and I am just waiting for Spring Break and all my grand and scary plans.

Yeah. It must be Monday.


Anonymous said...

has the missing scout from NC ever been to camp?

Sandy said...

Um, I don't know. It's possible, but I don't immediately recognize him from the picture. Considering our volume, that doesn't really mean anything. He and his family are in my prayers.