Friday, March 16, 2007

Once upon a time…

So, having consulted with my therapist, we have decided that we are going to use the two week break I have for Spring Break to embark upon some really intense therapy and putting some real demons from my past, events, to rest. I’m rather excited about it, but most especially I am very…


I worry about who I will be when I finish. Who will be left and will I like that person? Will other people like that person? Will that person still tell stories? Will they still be funny?

So much of who I think of myself now is caught up in the stories I tell. Story telling is my primary form of communication. It is what I am best at. If I can’t make a story funny I often won’t tell it. Further, the way I tend to deal with my past is to make it into funny stories. That way I can deal with it.

This is big, and it will be hard, and I need to do this, but I am left to wonder,

Who will I be, and will she still tell stories?

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