Sunday, June 17, 2007

"My foot went numb"

So they brought in this child who said he had sprained his ankle.

I looked.

No swelling, bruising, loss of strength or any other indications of distress, so, twist at best.

Then the kid says, "I can't feel my toes."


That is a significant indicator and I have protocols to follow. I thumped the kid's toes. He said he couldn't feel it.

So I reached in my drawer and grabbed an empty syringe to check sensation.

All heck broke loose.

"I am allergic to most of the stuff that goes in there!"

"There's nothing in here, I just need to see what you can feel."

"I don't like needles!"

"But you can't feel it. You just said so."

"I can feel now, I just couldn't a minute ago."


"Yeah, it comes and goes, and it's back now."

When I spoke to the scout master later he said he wished I had called him in to watch the episode. He said this kid is notorious for his injury stories and medical theatrics.

Either way, he walks fine now and it made my day.


Anonymous said...

That is great!

Beth said...

Nothing like scaring the truth out of that kid. :) Be safe, Sandy! Hey we missed you at dinner two Sundays ago but it was fun to have Nana with us.

Amy said...

That's a GREAT kid story! It's amazing what a little fear can do. :)