Saturday, September 29, 2007


Therapy intervenes.

This is the part where it gets pointed out to me that crushes are normal, I am normal and a crush is not a bad thing. Further there was a lot said to the effect that men and women are designed to be attracted to each other, in most male female freindships there is an imbalance of romantic attraction and that most effective adults simply acknowledge the feelings and then press on.

The therapist and I discussed what my options were. Discontinuing contact is not the answer nor a reasonable option considering the situation. IT wouldn't be fair to him, either, he didn't do anything wrong. Neither did I. Neither am I.

My therapist wanted to know why the idea of having a crush on someone was an idea that had me panicking and in tears. At first I wasn't sure. Still not really, except to say that crushes never work out for me. The idea that I find someone interesting garauntees they don't think of me as anything but a sexless, benevolant aunt. That is so good for my ego by the way.

So I am trying to look at this positively. I am going to learn to deal with these kinds of issues with out having nervous break downs and crying jags. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, while if he was a girl and we were just friends it would be appropriate, I will not invite him to dinner.

But I will enjoy the friendship and not panic in the meantime.


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