Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Being a Grown-Up

This afternoon I was talking to a new teacher who was feeling a bit over-whelmed. One of the major concerns was feeling like they were flying by the seat of their pants all the time. I found myself laughing at their quasi-despair.

Another veteran teacher and I were talking about it later (gracious, doesn't that make us sound old, VETERAN!!!!) and what we told this very frustrated teacher.

First, all new teachers go through "The Dip," that time when reality kicks in and we feel overwhelmed and despair of our ability to get through to the children.

Second, contrary to popular theory, grown-ups do not have it any more together than anyone else. We frequently fly by the seat of our pants and just as often "fake it." Why should teaching be any different than the rest of the world?

Maybe being a grown-up is the moment that you realize that?

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