Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No Way!

As part of an exercise for my Teacher Support Specialist class (four hours every Tuesday from 4:30 to 8:30PM YIKES!) we had to be blindfolded and led through a maze of chairs only by someones voice. Can I jut say that right now my shins hurt.

I had the best time, but I used my hands to check my surroundings.

The kids were glad to see me back at school, but they complained about the cold. After literally spending the last week watching people turn blue from hypothermia, I wasn't particularly sympathetic. Besides, I am my own personal furnace. Seriously. My hands were burning hot all day...

I have to go to the gym tomorrow. I figure my sore muscles will be my trick for the evening as it's been almost two weeks. At least without the altitude I won't sound like an asthmatic hacking up a lung... Seriously, I will never call the elevation where I live mountains again. After the North West, I see I knew squat all about mountains!

Happy Halloween!

By the way I am working on creating categories for posts, they aren't complete yet, but I'm getting there.


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind......I stumbled upon your blog through a link to a link to a link....

Anyway, I was immediately "enthralled" and have so far read the previous 2 months' entries----I will continue!

Sounds like you have a very full and active life...though at times maybe 'overwhelming'?

Good luck with the "kids" for the remainder of the week!

Sandy said...

Everyone is welcome here. Glad you enjoy. It is overwhelming sometimes, but it's a wonderful ride!