Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Drinking from the Carton

Milk just tastes better that way. That's all there is to it. I don't know why. Carton's taste better than jugs, and cartons that open out taste better than the ones with the opening spout on one side.

Once, right before my mom left she caught me (at 14) drinking out of the milk carton in the fridge. She laughed and said that my brother and father and I deserved each other because we all did it.

I have it on good authority that this from the carton thing is a male trait. Maybe. But it still just tastes better that way.

Once, one of the boys at camp caught me (in my refrigerator, not a food service jug...) and laughed. "Now that is sexy," he said.

There is a competition at camp called the gallon challenge. Who can drink an ice cold gallon of whole milk the fastest before they start violently puking. It strikes me as a rather stupid game, though I can think of worse, and one of the reasons is because they are wasting milk at it's best...

Straight from the carton!

Oh, by the way. Home from my W-EMT class and I passed! Everyone else there... EVERYONE!... was so much better at this stuff than I was and I was totally outclassed, but it was still really cool and I learned lots. A couple of the folks there I hope may even be real friends now. Really terrific folks...

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