Saturday, October 27, 2007

Worlds Colliding

Sometimes it seems like I live in several very separate worlds and they occasionally are at extreme odds with each other.

I have my life in education, medicine, caretaking, church and of course camp and they are very different places inhabited by very different people. All of these worlds are very important to me. They make up so much of who I am in my entire world...

Being here with these awesome people who are rescue workers, fire fighters, ski patrol, EMT's, Paramedics, Instructors, Research fellows, PA's, Truck Drivers, and lots of other things as well, fathers, husbands, friends, family, deacons, local city councilmen, and chefs it is so clear to me that the kind of people who do what we do are so very diverse and yet in so many ways so very similar. These are good people. Their education, religion, background and interests are so different, but we are all here to learn the same thing, how to help others who are a long way from help.

It's late, I'm tired and I imagine that is why I am finding myself rather philosophical...

I look up at this very clear, very cold, very beautiful night sky, the same one I sit in the amphitheater and look up at late at night in the warm summer nights of camp and see the same stars. The world is so very small, in a good way, I think. It feels very safe and warm... Even with all these different worlds colliding...

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