Sunday, October 07, 2007

So I told her

I called my mother this morning to explain to her that while she was welcome at my house, because of the things she said on Friday I was not comfortable with her being here alone with Nana. The premise of her being here while I am gone is so that I won't worry and now, frankly I will worry more, so...

Mom said she was hurt, and that she was busy anyway so she just wasn't coming at all. I guess that's fine. I really had been looking forward to her visit, with the exception of the vacation issue, so I am disappointed, but I understand. It must have been an awful thing to hear. It is the closest I have come to outright saying I don't trust her. Which, is more true than not.

I suppose I should be proud for standing up on this one.

But I'm not. Not this morning. Maybe not for a long time.

I'm sorry, Mom, but I had to. Forgive me, but I just couldn't handle it, otherwise.

I still love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry :( I am praying for you guys.