Monday, October 22, 2007

What was I thinking?

Cold Feet have set in.

Going over this list of "supplies" for my wilderness EMT class has got me panicking like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Everyone else seems to think this is very funny. That is not really comforting.

There is a part of me that figures I'll be OK and that it won't be so bad. Then there is the pigtail side of me that is screaming about choking, failing, falling and making a fool of myself.

How ridiculous is this?

Granted at this point I have spent more on equipment and gear than the cost of the course and my plane ticket.

Helmet, head-lamp, water-bottles, captain's chairs, power bars, socks, boots, synthetic apparel, gloves, hats, bedding, and all kinds of other little things...

What was I thinking?

I am going to be fine. I am going to have a great time. This is going to be OK. My fears will seem silly in hindsight...

Isn't it funny that someone who has been through as much as I have can still be as big a coward as I am?

If I were king of the forest....!


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