Friday, November 30, 2007

20 Lashes...

So I was grading papers in the middle school office and noticed the blood pressure cuff...

Sure, why not.


Yeah, I'm in trouble.

So I need to go back on my meds, and I need to talk to a doctor about it again, I imagine.

I turn 32 in two weeks.

I am too young to feel this old, for my body to be this old. There are too many things I want to do. Too many things I am doing.

If you ask me how old I am I have to fight myself not to say 16. Except 16 year olds strike me as naive idiots. At least immature morons.

Some 18 year olds strike me that way too. Even a 20-something or too...

Sometimes me. I shouldn't have stopped taking the pills. That I can fix tonight.

God only knows about the danger to my heart. Hypertension is not a joke or a game.

Then comes the question. When Nana goes to a home in May, will this get better. I'd really like to believe this is not me. What do I do if it is?

And now I yelled at Nana.

20 Lashes with a wet noodle. Fat Free of course.

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

I can't wait to tell Benjamin his favorite teacher he's never met is the week before his!!

How genetic is your hypertension? Controls are somewhat in your hands ... don't take on too much guilt cause ..that just makes it worse.

Mine gets better with self care, but not totally. My parents both had hypertention starting in early 30's ... neither was overweight etc. It's highly genetic for me.

(I was lucky to postpone it till 41)