Thursday, November 08, 2007

Endings, Beginings, and Temperature...

My administrator came to see me today. I told my class (especially first period) that they could wear hats and stuff inside my classroom as with it being a poorly insulated metal building it was pretty cold and I had no intention of turning the heater on unless it was freezing. Ventilation heaters give me migraines in confined spaces. If they were warm, but I was a witch on wheels they wouldn't consider that a good trade off... But apparently parents called and complained today. Two sets. So now I have to use the heater at night to take the chill off, but I can leave it off during the day. OK. Fine.

A coworker forwarded this to me today. A male co-worker I might add. He thought it was pretty funny. I did too...

Being a Good House Wife

Also I got some awesome news yesterday about a couple things. One of those awesome things hit me like a ton a bricks, though. Not for the reasons I thought, but a ton of bricks none the less. My life is such an odd amalgam of people and experiences, but I have always lived a bit like a gypsy. Most of my friends have been able to accommodate that so far (often many of them live like gypsies too...). But one friend is leaving the ranks by next summer. For a good reason and I really am thrilled, but I think I grieved a little last night for the change that will come. Doesn't make us any less friends, nor would/will it, but things will change. It is a good ending, and a good reason for one, but it is an ending...

But also a new beginning.

Speaking of. I have an introduction to make. I've had some friends start blogging before, because they liked my blog, (check my blogrole, they're all there!) and now I have added another pelt, though from a very strange encounter and situation. I made a new friend when I was at WEMT class. It was strange how comfortable I felt with this young man, right away (though poor guy, as my patient, he died and as his patient I hit him...). It felt like I had found one of my camp boys, only he wasn't at camp. Though now he is going to be at camp, I think I've "kidnapped" him for three weeks this summer. He is totally the help I need, possibly along with one of "my boys" as well. I'm actually pretty excited about getting to work with him. Poor guy, he may not know what hit him when he get a load of our little operation, not to mention all my guys...

The point is, he has a blog now too. We'll have to see how he likes it. Being an EMT, a pretty cool person, and a genuinely nice guy, I think he'd have some cool stories to share.

The Hardest Job You'll Ever Love

Welcome to the blogasphere, Tweak!

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