Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So I've been in the central eastern, northern middle US visiting my brother, his wife and my folks (dad and step mom) for the Christmas Holiday. Hotel accommodations, rooming with Nana and just the differences in peoples lives/schedules have sucked a lot out of me. However, I promise (especially you, Jasmine) that I will be up and at it come Saturday when I'm home for good. There have been many stories from the 13th. There is how the whole whale debacle ended, Mother's visit, driving 13 hours with Nana, surviving in-laws, steps and fathers, and the great what to do about ailing canines discussion. Lots to share. Plus come January 2, I get a whole new batch of students, will be directing Romeo and Juliet and have to get my butt in gear and get a PhD in, not to mention my hope to run a 5K before camp.

So, by all means, stay tuned!

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