Monday, June 02, 2008

Catching Up

So now I am at camp. Somehow, even with the standard problems, comedy of errors, general stupidity, all the normal stuff that ensues up here, life is better, mountains are more climbable, here at camp, life is good!

So to catch up.

I started having some health issues, but I decided to put off going to see a doctor until I finished the 5K. So I finished the 5K. I came in dead last, lapped by the Biathlon people who started ten minutes later, but I finished. 54 of the longest minutes of my life, but I finished. I will do better next time. The next Tuesday, the diagnosis was Congestive Heart Failure. Panic and Hilarity ensued. However, turns out they were wrong. According to the cardiologist, I'm just fat and need to join Weight Watchers. I hope she never gets sick and scared to death and goes to see someone with as much insensitivity and lack of listening skills like she has. No one deserved the day that was. However, I am resolved. I will speak to my regular doctor this week about Lap Banding. If I have to lose weight for these people to take me seriously about something that I believe is a real problem, then I will. But as least I don't have CHF.

Then there was this beautiful wedding and even more beautiful babies. Life is a beautiful circle.

Nana is settling in well at the personal care home. Apparently she got up in the middle of the night, got dressed, put on her purse and walked out into the living room. While looking for a light switch she pulled the fire alarm. Then when the lady that runs the place came racing up stairs there stood a dark imposing figure in the middle of the room. EEEEP! Nana announced, "I'm ready to go out now." God only knows where she thought she was going. She must have been dreaming.

The next morning she sat down at the kitchen table and cleaned out her purse. Upon finding six one dollar bills she trilled, "Hey girl, lets say us rich bitches go get drunk!" Poor Emma (the lady that runs the house). There is a new woman living there. She doesn't like it. She screams all day. Emma told me that Nana sat with her all afternoon saying, "It really is a very nice place. You'll like it here. Everyone is very nice. I really miss my dogs. My Pipey is so sweet and Roo is so moochie and I really miss them but it really is wonderful here... Please stop screaming."

School ended. And now I am at camp. For the past several months I have been telling them they needed to replace my carpet (seriously gross bio-hazard at this point) with linoleum. I even offered to pay for it. When I got to camp. Still nasty carpet. So I complained again. I was told if I felt that strongly I could just rip up the carpet and have a stone floor. OK. I had the carpet up in less than thirty minutes. I had linoleum in less than 48 hours afterward when they saw what that would look like. Some people learned some valuable lessons about daring me to do anything.

As I type these delightful men are fixing my air conditioning. I have never started camp with a working air conditioner. But this may be the fastest I ever got it fixed. Might have to do with the fact that it will be 95 degrees up here on Thursday during inspection (according to the weather report).

This summer I find I am in love with Tea. A good dear friend totally got me hooked on the tea experience and seeing as I am trying to avoid the caffeine rush that can be coffee, the tea thing is good. Jasmine Pearls with Roobius is my favorite, but I found the most delightful iced...

My Daddy is coming up next week and I cannot wait!

So, that's where it is.

Oh! This year our radio names at camp are video games. I am Zelda... You got to go through several levels to get me...


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