Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First Day of School Hodge Podge

So today the children arrived. I swear each year they get younger and younger. Look to be decent classes. Time will tell I imagine.

This year I am very optimistic about what I want to accomplish and I think it can all be done. Health goals, professional goals and personal goals all come into play. The beginning of the school year is a lot like New Year's or a birthday. So much promise, so much possibility.

This year however there is one shadow. I learned some important things this summer about myself, about what I was capable of. Lots of good things, but not everything. As I stood looking out at the faces of freshly scrubbed ninth graders, I found that I wasn't as confidant as to who I was this time. Not anything they would notice or would affect my teaching, but it was still a stray thought in the back of my mind.

Also, as of this writing my poor team teacher has not popped. Her due date was last week, but at this point she was hoping to hold out long enough to meet her students before going on maternity leave. She reached the goal. Now I'm waiting for her water to break in class. That has happened to her before apparently. She thinks it's funnier than the rest of us do.

Lastly, this morning as I came out of my classroom, ready to face the day I overheard some delightful children take a sharp intake of breath as I entered the hall, "That is one big lady!" I turned, smiled and said, "With excellent hearing, no less!" Poor children. They haven't learned to disconnect their mouths from their brains.

So the year begins.

I'm actually excited... More than the past few years. I have a feeling this is going to be a pivotal year for me. I've learned too much so far for it to not be.

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