Friday, February 16, 2007

I believe...

OK, again in a rampant theft of a TV show idea, I am going to tell you what I believe. Last night on Grey’s Anatomy one character in a very heated, stressful moment started spouting off what she believed about life, herself and others in an effort to deal with some issues. I like the idea. Then there is also the great and hilarious segment at the End of Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again where the four comedians list what they believe. This is a compilation of both theories. Laugh, Cry, Agree or Scream as you see fit.

I believe that parents should be held accountable for their children and children should be held responsible for their behavior.

I believe that if you say it, you mean it and if you don’t you should not have said it and if you did, you can’t take it back and pretend it was never said. You can apologize, but only if you mean it!

I believe in one God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, who sent his son, Jesus who died for our sins that we may have life everlasting and life more abundant.

I believe that you have the right to believe what you want to, and I can’t persecute you for it, but you can’t persecute me either. If you hold me in disdain, it’s a free country, I can dislike you too.

I believe that regardless of what God you believe in you do not have the right to hurt someone else just because it makes your life easier, better or you feel like it. Terrorism is not a political statement. It is simply evil.

I believe that we should tell people when we love them, even if we are afraid it won’t be returned and I believe that even if you don’t feel the same way about someone who loves you, you should still appreciate and respect the compliment for what it is.

I believe that gas happens, as do burps, sneezes and well other gaseous emissions. Why is that so hysterically funny or rude depending on who you are hanging out with?

I believe that if you emit gas, you should however say, “Excuse me!”

I believe that it is OK to go to work without makeup on. Just don’t expect people to compliment you on how your red nose brings out the circles under your eyes…

I believe that it is OK to be angry at my mother even though I forgive her and to adore my father even though he is not perfect and that both of those feelings do not mean I chose sides.

I believe it is OK to both adore my brother and think he is a moron at the same time and to not hold him to a higher standard of behavior just because he happens to be a pastor.

I believe that mothers who are well respected Christian authors should not discuss their opinions of their adult daughters on the Internet, especially if they use specifics, and they should deal with their family problems at home and not try to use the well meaning comments of people outside the situation who don’t know the whole story as justification for their bad behaviors.

I believe that putting cream in my coffee is an important source of calcium and not a frivolous use of fat and calories.

I believe that anyone who has a birthday near a major gift giving holiday (30 days either side) should have the right to select a new birth date to avoid the whole only one big present a year thing!

I believe that being a size 2 is not nearly as attractive as being a size 12, unless you were really born that size.

I believe that my doctor’s BMI chart is a hell spawned document designed to make me hate myself and I would burn the stupid thing if he would leave me alone in the office with it for more than 60 seconds!

I believe that men are stupid, but that women are crazy so we desperately need each other.

I believe that pizza is a perfectly acceptable breakfast food on Saturday Morning and calling it Italian Cheese Toast is just an attempt to make it sound like the breakfast food it is!

I believe that I am someone worth loving and have value. I believe I can sing well, cook even better and write best of all… when I let my heart go and just breathe.

I believe that Nana has always been, is and will always be a handful and I am thankful for it everyday.

I believe that dogs are better than cats and that I should not feel guilty for that!

I believe that children, when possible, should be in pairs, about 2-3 years apart.

I believe that the boy scouts, churches, schools and other programs for young people are good things run by people, who unfortunately are flawed and sometimes bad and so bad things happen, but I don’t think that makes the organization itself bad unless they planned for it to happen, didn’t stop it or somehow encouraged it.

I believe that pornography is a cancer.

I believe that two scoops are always better than one, but three is too many.

I believe that I am not finished.

I believe that there is nothing wrong with the Harry Potter books, and that people have the right to disagree with that and not let their children read them, but that they should not spend time writing books about why HP is bad. If they don’t like it, come up with something better that you do like and your children can read. I am thankful for the people that have taken that attitude and I enjoyed reading their books.

I believe that true love, the kind that lasts, that makes real marriages, is a choice you make.

I believe there will be a woman president someday, but I don’t want it to be Hilary Clinton.

I believe that as a teacher I make a difference and that someday some of my former students will be glad they knew me.

What do you believe?


Anonymous said...

I believe that it is good to have you back ....The sunshine state!

Anonymous said...

I also believe you are a person worth loving and have value and would like to ask what date would you like your birthday to fall on?

Sandy said...

Either February 29, or April 1. The first date would be cool as it only comes around every four years, so I'd have to have a big party on those years, and it would be something kind of different... The second one would fit me and I prefer Spring to summer and fall is still too close to Christmas for my taste.