Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Too Much Information.

Sunday was not a good day. If you know me or are at camp, I am going to be specific, and if you can't handle that, stop reading now.

On Sunday check-in went fine, but I was tired. More tired than usual, maybe. There are some things that are starting to get to me. Not in the sense that I am out of control or am getting hurt so much as they bother me, concern me and I still don't feel like it's right. Anyway.

Rosie came on Sunday. Rosie is my hair dresser. She is a really terrific lady and I have wanted her to meet Drew for some time. They've really hit it off and I see good things for them. In the mean time Rosie is cutting the staff's hair one day a week. She's making camp beautiful, one head at a time. So she came on Sunday and I decided to take her out to dinner, for a little girl talk.

We were gone for less than an hour. In that hour a camper fell and busted a wrist. Not uncommon, and my staff handled it beautifully, but, I wasn't here and I hate that. It makes me feel like it's my fault. So there was that chip. That was almost a rational, reasonable one.

Down-hill from there.

So then I ended up going to sit with some of the staff that was smoking behind one of the cabins. I don't like smoke, but I wanted to be with them, so... They thought it would be funny to tell someone (who cares, theoretically) that I was smoking to. I was handed a cigarette as said individual rounded a corner. I was (irrational I know) expecting them to prove their friendship by knocking it out of my hand, like a good friend should. Their response, "Cool, another smoking buddy!" Now I was ticked off. Like I said, irrational.

Then back in the staff lodge, while one of the metrosexuals was getting high lights, Poje said something about women over thirty who were unmarried being unwanted. I got upset and stormed out of the lodge, and (accidentally) peeled out of the staff area. I was in tears by the time I got back to Med Lodge. Batch was there. He (bless his heart) followed me, would not take no for an answer and simply hugged me until I got it all out. Then acted disappointed when I asked him to step out of my room so I could change. (It was the boost I needed.)

Poje apologized the next day (apparently he thought his life was in danger, but that's not why he apologized) and this morning I have conformation that I was indeed hormonal.

I haven't cried like that in a while. I wonder if it was just a bad day and the wrong moment or if it would have happened regardless.

Oddly, the cigarette thing still bothers me the most and I don't understand why.

I have still never, and will never smoke one, by the way. Yuck!

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