Thursday, August 09, 2007

I am not your friend.... and other thoughts of a teacher.

School has started, we've been at it for a full five days now. The kids this year are probably the best I've seen so far in the 9th grade. Part of that has to do with the fact that I have all advanced this year, but more of it has to do with this group of kids in general, just really good kids.

They have it rough though. I've been hard on them from the start. I told them on day 1 that I was not their friend. Sounds pretty harsh, I'm sure, though they took it well because I explained the statement. See here's the thing. I am not at school to be the student's friend. I am not there to make them feel better about themselves or make it all better for them. I am there to teach them, to give them skills and for them to gain the confidence that comes from know the information. As I told them, self esteem is all well and good, but if there is lots of it with no skills, abilities or knowledge, it still adds up to a pretty bad deal. We talked about trying. I've turned into Yoda on that one. Do or do not, there is not try.

The thing that is cool is that they are rising to this. I've been able to do activities with them so far that I never could have done with any other classes. They had a completely class led discussion yesterday for over an hour about the intentions of Richard Connel in "The Most Dangerous Game." No two classes argued the same set of issues, but they all argued. I learned so much from them. It really was fascinating.

Oh, and I'll have to post my letter of introduction to them... I was pretty impressed with it if I do say so myself.

There are some things that concern me about this group. I've already got one young lady that I think really may be in trouble. She clearly does not want to be a girl. She dresses, acts and talks like a boy. This is not being a tom boy, this is completely subverting all gender signs. Today even in the 100 degree heat she showed up in a long sleeved shirt and jeans. Then she told me she was having an anxiety attack. This is her second one since school started. Something is happening to this child, I can just feel it. Everyone else seems to think it is only possible, and no big deal. We'll see, I guess.

I have a new plaque up that states, "I have winged monkeys and I'm not afraid to use them!"

Nana seems to be getting a cold. Part of this may be because of disrupted sleep. Piper has decided he likes getting up at 2:30 AM and eating then. The first time he did it, Nana thought it was time to get up and scared the snot out of me, as I thought I had overslept. Then I figured it out. I think I am going to shoot the dog. I asked Nana who owned whom here. She smiled and said, "He owns me..." I think not!

Also I went back to training this week. Which is a good thing, but I really hate it. Except I missed it and it feels kind of good. There is something clearly wrong with me.

I'm considering doing a Master Cleanse. I've been reading a lot about it. But I haven't decided yet. The toilet issues sound a bit gnarly.

Oh, and by the way, having been put in a trailer this year (insert trailer trash joke here, all my other friends have) I find I like it. I can control my own thermostat and with the 100 degree weather outside, that is a rather nice thing. Also I am on my own island in the parking lot. John Dunn said no man is an island, but apparently this woman is!

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