Thursday, August 09, 2007

Letter of Introduction

Dear 9th Grade Language Arts,

My name is Sandy X, but around here, most people (as in students) call me Miss X.(That's right, Miss, as in Hit or Miss, as in I am neither married nor politically correct!) This is my ninth year teaching, officially, though unofficially I’ve been teaching, working with youth and well, bossy, for much longer. Aside from being a six foot, three inch, red headed stepchild, there are a lot of things that make me unique. My interests include, but are not limited to, traveling, cooking, camping, drama, writing, reading, music, singing, family, art, the ocean, the mountains, X-stitch and movies. And of course, those are just the current interests. There have been (and will be) much more.

Growing up as a Navy Brat (my dad served 22 years) of a single Dad (my parent split my freshman year of high school… talk about bad timing!) I moved a dozen times by the time I graduated high school in California (just outside of San Francisco) and then moved to Florida, where I started out as a Navy Nurse candidate in the NROTC program at University. After two years of working out with Marines and spinning rifles for fun (our Drill Team was third in the nation my freshman year) I gave it all up to pursue a career in education instead. I graduated with a Bachelor’s of English and then a Master’s of Education. After teaching seniors and drama (and a whole bunch of other stuff!) in Florida for three years I moved here where they actually have seasons! I’ve been here for over five years. The first two years, I lived by myself, but about three years ago I became the proud parent of a senior citizen. Nana is 83 and is the funniest person I’ve ever met. That’s her rocking chair at the front of my room. Also in the last several years I pursued a Certification as an Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMT-I) at a terrific Technical School (1 year night school program). This was so I could enjoy the past four summers at a Scout Camp where I am the Medical Officer. I am responsible for about 1000 men/boys each week that are allowed to play with knives, build fires, swim in lakes, climb trees and chase snakes all without their mothers or wives anywhere in site. I work there for 8 weeks each summer and always have a blast.

Now my life pretty much revolves around work, Nana, Scouts and Drama. Sometimes I direct plays for the ninth grade here at school and often I write and/or direct productions at my church. This Fall I will be directing the children’s musical and this Spring I will be writing and directing my church’s mission youth play. Nana (And our two shelties, Piper and Roo) keeps the house pretty jumping. Also even during the year I am doing Scout weekend stuff and teaching First Aid and CPR for the American Heart Association for groups in the area. I also travel a lot. Last year I went to Central America and saw Mayan Ruins. Oh man, it was awesome. I’m thinking of going to Alaska this year or maybe Europe, specifically London. I really want to go back to London.

As to my future, I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Lately I find myself interested in two possibilities. I’d like to pursue my PhD and become a teacher of teachers, but I’d also really like to be a Paramedic, which is another year of school fulltime. Also, one of these days I am actually going to finish one of the books and/or screen plays I am working on and get them published/produced.

I’m going to get to all the things I’m after in life by never giving up, keeping focused on my goals and enjoying life as I live it. Sometimes that is easy, but sometimes it is hard. I find that the best way to get where you are going in keeping your mind on all the time. Bring it with you everywhere and always be using it. Besides, even when no one else will talk to you, your mind always will!

You guys can actually help me with some of my goals in life by continuing to challenge me to be the best teacher I can be. I learn more everyday teaching in class than you guys learn all year. Working with young people helps keep my mind young and active so that someday, who knows, I might be younger than you! Besides, someday you may be my doctor, lawyer, airline pilot, mechanic, plumber, carpenter, or architect and I need you to be on your best game.

The last thing is there are some things it would probably help you to know about me as a teacher. I have some “pet peeves” as they say. People who don’t pay attention, but expect me to fill in the gaps for them when they feel like it, disrespect, constant requests to use the restrooms and putting your head down on the desk is a sure fire way to find out how loud I can get. However, the flip side is that I love it when students have useful and interesting comments to add to class discussions, want to talk about books and poetry and let their enthusiasm for their own advancement spill over into the classroom such that everyone grows and learns.

There are many more stories that I want to tell you and this letter only scratches the surface of who I am, but I hope it helps give a you a little bit of an idea of where I am coming from.


Your teacher, Miss X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for ninth grade!