Sunday, September 16, 2007

State of the Weekend...

Nana and I were sitting in the living room and Batman Forever was on. Nana announces, "this is a crazy story that makes no sense, but I will say this. The costumes are very striking."


This was a good weekend. Good Therapy (yes, I'm still crazy enough to need help, don't despair I haven't changed too much yet...), Good time doing nails, good meeting working on the choreography for the children's musical (and my music partners from college/BSU ministries are laughing themselves sick over me and my machinations), good summer picnic cooking, and then good times with friends at an open air blue grass concert in Atlanta. It was a good Saturday. On Sunday church, parents meeting for children's musical, lunch with good friends and a leisurely afternoon with naps and computers and music ending with a really good grilled cheeses sandwich and hot tea.

It was a good weekend.

I enjoyed it, I was happy with my life and I spent a lot of time reflecting on it in the process, I might add. These were the things that struck me.

I am growing, changing, learning, and getting healthy. Further, other people are noticing that.

There are still many things that I am concerned and frustrated with, more specifically there are a couple people I am specifically concerned and frustrated about. Mom comes to mind, Nana and a gentleman or two. But it's OK. I have a handle on me, and my place in their lives and I'm good with that. In this case, it's enough.

I need to write more. I want to write more. I will write more.

Working out is important and it's good that I am doing it, but in the near future I am going to cut back to an average of three rather than four. I really don't need to be tired all the time. What's the point of healthy and strong if I can't enjoy it? I will not feel guilty or cowed when I make that decision.

Nana is definitely not the whole person she once was, but there is more there than not, and we either need to make it better or accept the inevitable. I have a time table in mind now and I'm OK with that, and so is Nana, when she remembers.

I have a huge amount of friends. I really do. They are wonderful. I miss them when I am not with them, and I am so blessed to have them.

I need more music in my life.

The most confusing question in my life is why people see me as Miss Fix It and simultaneously think I am incapable of taking care of myself and/or solving my own problems... How does that make any sense?

This was a good weekend. I didn't want to be a cow at all.

Here's hoping for as good a week. Mom is "dropping by" on Friday night on her way down to Florida. We'll see how it goes.

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