Monday, June 09, 2008

God and his sense of humor.

So, on Saturday I had a long talk with my therapist. We discussed that I had really had it with someone.

"I don't like him. I have never liked him, but for the past three years I have tried. I think I can stop trying now. It's not like a wish him ill, I just don't like him. If he was on fire and I was standing there drinking tea I'd throw my tea on him. I'm just not sure I'd go to the faucet to fill up the glass for another toss."

My therapist said it was healthy for me to come to these realizations.

Sunday night, the same person came to me. "Sandy, I think I have a real problem with my anger management. Do you think you can help me?"

So now I am counseling this person to help them function better in the camp/professional environment.

Tell me God is laughing his head off somewhere?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally believe that God laughs with (at??) us all the time. It's like that Clay Aiken song lyric, "If you really want to make God laugh then all you've gotta do is tell him your plans."

I'm so proud that you ran a 5K! That's so awesome!!

Hopefully, the next time I'm in Georgia we can grab coffee or something.

Christie W.