Friday, July 11, 2008

Late Night Resolve.

The lady that runs Nana's personal care home called last night at 9:30 PM. She was nearly in tears... at one point was crying... Nana is miserable. I spoke to her at length too. This is not working.

The four months, especially the time I am at camp was nessesary. But I cannot keep going through this.

So I spoke to my mom and my brother. Nana is coming back to me. Then maybe she'll spend a few months with mom this fall, maybe not. We'll see. But I need her back, she needs her dog and I am no longer comfortable with the care she is recieving there...

There is actually more comfort in this decision than panic. It's the right thing to do.

I will not let my Nana be that upset and scared if I can help it...

She is coming home.

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