Monday, July 07, 2008


OK, so I was sick. It started as a cold. Standard head cold virus kinda thing. Two days down and then I was better. Then it got worse again, the hacking cough joined the party and there were funny colors not from the pretty rainbow...

Thankfully a doc at camp gently patter my shoulder and said, "Please, let me help you..." Wonderful man! He gave me 750 mg of Leviquin. I am happy to report that after another two days down, that anything bacteria-y that was living in me is quite dead now.

So now I am better. The fourth of July passed. I tried to sing for the show, and choked on a bug during America the Beautiful. Very attractive and melodically...
Yeah right.

I've also now had two run in's with administrator types, Victorious types, who are morons and suffer from the delusion that they are the John Wayne of Boy Education. May it bite them firmly in the but! I should be so lucky. My luck I will be thrown under the bus like my predecessors on these kinds of fiascos. No I cannot and will not be more specific. HIPPA and Youth Protection dictate that. Morons!

Also, I am now almost blindingly strawberily BLONDE! God Help us All! I'm getting used to it.

Did I mention it is Christmas in July...?

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